
We offer downloadable content as well as a wide range of useful products for every major holiday in the United States, major sports items, specialty and promotional items, souvenirs, gifts, downloadable media, and special memorabilia items covering major sports and celebrities.

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Own Your Own Tour Company!

Be Your Own Boss!


Own Your Own Tour Company

This Could be Your Guests!

Are you “really” interested in being your own boss by owning your own tour company? This is no "Get Rich Quick Scheme" and requires a nominal initial investment and extensive training to those that qualify.

I am a graduate of the Belk College of Business at the University of North Carolina/Charlotte with a degree in Entrepreneurial Management, a retired US Army Reserves Veteran, and have assisted many potential small business persons while moonlighting at the Small Business Resource Center which was an arm of the US Small Business Administration. I have assembled several complete business and marketing plans for myself and other small business persons. I am well versed in every faucet of running a small business on a day-to-day basis to include customer service, marketing, sales, web/email marketing, legal, administration, accounting, finance, etc...

I am currently seeking a qualified individual(s) to license the rights to Queen City Tourssm which includes the two best tours of Charlotte: Charlotte's Longest-Running Daily City Tour and Charlotte's "Original" Daily Black/African-American Heritage Tour™. Successful candidates must be self motivated, possess a high caliber of initiative, be reliable, dependable, honest, trustworthy, as well as be financially capable of purchasing a 7-passenger or 15-passenger van; home office equipment, and pay the initial licensing fee of $3,125.

Once again, this is not another “Get Rich Quick Scheme,” rather a genuine business opportunity for you to retire from the 9-5 grind by becoming your own boss while living the American dream of freedom and independence. You will now be in charge of your own destiny and the best part is you will not have to sit through those dreadful evaluations, unnecessary meetings, and pesty conference calls again. The sky is the limit and only you can fire you! Your initial investment of $3,125 is well worth it in terms of the mistakes that you will avoid by learning from my over 30 years of success as a Tour Guide/Director/Founder. This investment can be recouped in one good quarter!

Now is the perfect time to invest in this venture because the travel industry is bursting at the seam with consumers wanting to get out and do things after over 2 1/2 years of being home bound due to the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). A successful entrepreneur will have all the tools in place and be ready to compete in the tourism industry. This opportunity is real and does work as I have supported myself off of it since 1993. I am ready to move on to other opportunities in the areas of consulting and developing tours and hence am looking for the right person(s) to continue what I started.

If that person is you, click here and respond with “I am interested in being my own boss,” and I will be in touch via email. Time is of the essence and to avoid market saturation, I will award a total of two licenses in 2022.

Sincerely yours,
J. Whipple

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